A free gift from AngelLight
AngelLight desires to gift free group sessions a week for everybody who can join us live, because there will be no recording made!
About AngelLight
Monique Lindenberg
I am not going to talk about AngelLight! Because I do not desire to define her energie.
I can tell about how it al started. When I was young and I told someone the way I saw a situation and often got a response of: no you are wrong about that. I questioned that and often I got an voice or a thought in my head about what that was. So this made me question myself and chose often to believe the person. Because I wanted to fit in.
later in life I choose to believe my knowing more often. And kept that for myself.
After choosing to be a Reiki, Shambhalla MD and Engelentherapie practitioner I desired to find a Angel healing modality.
I couldn't find that! So I asked a lot of questions about this to the Universe and then a beautiful energetic wonder was there to initiate me in this awesome golden sparkles of light that flows through my body and hands to heal. with the name AngelLight.
That was in 2006 and I kept it for myself. Used is for myself and asked it to run when needed in sessions. I have seen miracles happing with this Energie.
I truly wonder what is possible for this planet, people and animals when I share it with the world?
Experiences with AngelLight
Are you interested in working together with AngelLight?
Burgemeester Avisstraat 58